Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Catching up...

Wow, its been a little while since ive been on here hein... Let's see... what's been going on...

Well a couple weeks ago, Alex and I went back up north for the weekend (his idea :D). We spent the weekend just being with eachother, i couldnt of asked for a more perfect weekend. We had a fire going all the time, had nice breakfasts, watched a bunch of movies, etc...
Here are a couple pictures :)

Here is Alex, just hanging out.

Me, in front of Alex's car

Alex's car outside

Alex and I :) in the morning, making breakfast together :)

Once we came back, it was back to reality, unfortunately. Although, i did decide to completely change my room around. Dont ask me why, it was just time for a change of scenary.

Here are a couple pictures of my room :)

Yes, i have a whole wall of just curtains!!! I LOVE IT! i find it relaxing!!

What else is going on... hmmm. Work is still work. It's the end of the year, so its starting to get quite busy these days. I cant wait for Chrismas break! We get 11 days off and Alex and his family rented a nice cottage for the new year and we are going to be there for 6 days, down in Sainte-Agathe i think. I saw pictures of the place, its all modern and what not. Should be great!

Also, next Friday, i leave for Toronto for 5 days. My uncle Jim bought a house and had it built. It will be done on the 13th and my other uncle (keith) and i are going down to help him set everything up, I cant wait! its going to be so much fun!

What else is going on in my life... I am organizing my work Holiday Party, on December 5th, and im a big stress ball about it! lol I am officially hosting a party of 104 ... and im kinda nervous about it... everyone important is coming and i need to make a good impression. Everyone knows that this is my party, my baby, and it needs to go down perfectly!! *crossing my fingers*

After Christmas is Alex's birthday (Dec 31st). Since we are going to be up north, i told him we would celebrate afterwards. We have decided that we are going to see a hockey game in Ottawa, since getting tickets here is freaking impossible! We are going to see the Rangers on Jan 10th and get a hotel room for the night. Alex thought it was a great idea! so im very happy! I will be getting him a little something to open up the day of, but not sure what yet. I have a couple ideas going through my head :)

I have to start my Christmas shopping soon... AAHHH so much to do, so little time to do it in hehe. but i think im going to be fine, since ive already made a list hehe

My active life has been dead these days. Any suggestions in getting back into shape at an affordable price? hehe I am still on the hunt for the perfect yoga studio, any suggestions there also?

Anyways, im outtie.

Have a great night guys!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Lazy Weekend

Wow... what a great Saturday!
I spent the day in pjs, watching tv on the couch hehehe just what the doctor ordered! I dont even remember what time i woke up at hehehe. Well, i was up at 530am because Alex slept over and then went to work but i went back to bed after that, obviously.
Saturday night, i had dinner at Alex's and we did the same as i did during the day... NOTHING lol it was awesome. We watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", its the first movie we saw together on i think our 2nd or 3rd date :) so it brought back some good memories hehe The movie itself is actually really funny and cute :) gotta love romantic comedies!
Sunday, we woke up at around 1030 and went shopping at around 1ish. He needed new construction boots, dress pants and to get his phone at bell (it was out for repair). It amazes me how men shop! sooo fast!!! we were done in like 1.5hrs and we had to go to 3 different placed! that werent exactly close to each other! i could never shop like that! lol After shopping we went back to his place with some subways for dinner. After dinner we watched "Failure to Launch". One of my favorite movies!!! :D:D The movie was done at around 830 and we watched a bit of tv and hit the hay pretty early. It felt good!

I had a pretty quiet weekend and it was great!
Anyhoo, my post isnt very long today, not much to report hehe


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday, October 3rd

Friday... its finally Friday!!! YESSS hehe
My parents left today to go on vacation for 8 days, so that means i am also on a mini vacation :) I have the whole house to myself, which is always great!

My morning started off alright, nothing special. Got up on time, got ready and walked out of the house. I invited Alex to sleep over tonight and we were both happy to see eachother a day earlier than normal (i will be seeing a lot of him this week because i have issues sleeping in my big house alone without my dog and parents, call me a big baby lol). They day went on fine at work, nothing special, no problems, no missing parts or rushes so that was great also! Around mid-day my uncle reminded me that i was babysitting tonight... I had totally forgot and was kind of upset about it since I had made plans with my man. Alex told me not to worry about it and regardless of the time he would meet me at home when i got there. I felt really bad because he works saturday morning at 6am... blah so the day went on and it was fine.
After work, i came home and cleaned up a little bit and took a shower before going to babysit my 2 favorite kids on the planet :) My little cousin and i started watching Iron Man until his bedtime. Normally i would have let him stay up but he had swimming Saturday morning and if he doesnt get his sleep, he slacks... and its his first class of the term so i want him to start it off well.

I finally got home at 1045 and Alex came over shortly after. We crashed pretty fast since we were both exhausted. I love sleeping with him, i always have my best sleeps :)

*we go away to the cottage in 13 days!! :D* i cant freaking wait!

Gym Update: I SUCK! I HAVENT BEEN SINCE IVE BEEN SICK! someone kick me in the ass please? Amy? lol

I was also tagged on my last post...

I've been tagged by Amy from Ames Her Way. Now I must share seven weird and crazy facts about myself.

1- I am still scared of the dark, i sleep with the tv on every night... DONT LAUGH AT ME!

2- I hate feet, they gross me out! Dont touch me with yours and i wont touch you with mine! lol

3- I always sleep on the same side of the bed every night, always in the same position. I cant fall asleep any other way

4- I am obsessed with my phone, it is never off and normally never far away from me (but who isnt these days?)

5- I go to bed really early on the week nights these days, like 8-830

6- I am super organized at work, my desk is immaculate, at home, not so much

7- i have recently stopped biting my nails and have been successful! i can officially give myself a french manicure :D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The first day of the final quarter of 2008...

So, i don't know if you realized or not but today we entered the final quarter of 2009... ALREADY! This year, for myself anyway, has flew by!

Last night i slept over at Alex's (as always, ill explain our routine in a bit) so this morning i was awoken at 530am with cuddles :D i know, you probably are thinking, 530am?? is she mad?!?! but the cuddles make it worth it! and usually when i sleep over a week night i go to the gym the next day before work for 6am. This morning though, i did not go. I have been sick for the last 3 weeks and i haven't been able to make myself go. So instead, i came home and then slept for another 30 mins, hihihi, and then i got ready for work. My day was ok, nothing special. It went by pretty quickly actually, so thats good. I went for lunch today with my uncle (whom i also work with) at the Marcher de L'ouest. They have a little restaurant in there called PastAmore, its great!! Homemade pasta and sauce, delicious! and cheap! so i had that for lunch :) I left work at 430, the norm, and came home to see that my mom actually did all my laundry for me... THANKS MOM! Considering i had TONS to do! :D:D now, i just have to put it away lol

tried to convince me to go to the gym and i was a horrible person and said no... THANKS ANYWAYS AMES!! Instead i took an early shower, put my pj's on and am now writing my blog lol I'm quite looking forward to falling asleep early :)
I also tried looking for good yoga dvds but i cant find any. I recently got the Iron Yoga book and am quite excited to start reading it. Alex and I are going up north in a couple weekends so i will probably start reading it then. I CANT WAIT TO GO UP NORTH! its going to be a great weekend! All his idea too hihi

Anyways, here is our schedule, that is also flexible

Alex's & my spending time schedule:
Saturday night when he is done work, Sunday all day, Monday night when he is done work and Tuesday night when he is done work.
Now i know it sounds kind of stupid to have a schedule in a relationship but you see... Alex works A LOT.. He is in construction and wakes up every morning at 530 and isn't home before 730-8pm that night so we have a schedule that we stick with and that we both like. This way i have a life and he doesn't feel obligated to invite me over when he is exhausted and i don't feel left out. It works for us, and i guess that's what counts :)
My rents are leaving on friday for 8 days and he will be staying with me during that time so thats going to be fun also :)

Anyways, good night!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome back Me...

Wow... Let's just say that its been a while since i've been on here... Don't really know why, nor do i really know why i am back now... but i am... Welcome Back Me!!

So, where am i at in my life as of now... let's see. Here is the short version. I am still at work, going hard, although sometimes wondering why... i joined a new gym, the new Nautilus on Brunswick and i still have not been able to get myself back into routine and i am with a new man, a real man, and he is just great.

Now here's the detailed version.

Work... a 4 letter word that makes me go through an emotional roller coaster these days. I have been at my job for exactly 1 year, 3 months and 21 days... yes i count weekends because i do work on the weekends... Although not as much as i used too, thank god... I am a buyer /planner with promises of negotiations starting January 2009 and i sometimes think that that is the only thing keeping me going right now (work wise)
My boss, C, a childless and marriage less woman in her mid forty's, is going through menopause... I cannot bare imagine how she feels. Regardless of her "issues", she is still my boss and yet, does not feel like one. She has been making my days very difficult.
My coworker, R, is not that much more of an improvement. (we share an office together). She is 28, attached to a 44 year old divorced man, and has recently quit smoking (exactly 11 days now) and is extremely negative at the office. She has been making my environment also quite difficult to life in. As much as she is a nice person, she is not a good influence to be around. She dislikes our boss very much and makes things worse. Why cant we just get along? I dont get it, we are suppose to be a team, and we are the furthest thing to that. I used to enjoy waking up in the morning and getting ready for work and looking forward to the next challenge coming my way. Now, the closest thing to a challenge these days is coping with C's attitude and emotions and with R's non stop complaining. Everyday i tell myself that this is yet, just another obstacle that i need to surpass to get to where i want to be in life. Not sure where that is, but it is definitely not here.

"Achieving the Unachievable" <-- something i live by, something that i believe many should live by. This saying is what has been getting me through my days lately, and i cannot express the excitement and enthusiasm i have for my professional career in 2009, if it would just get here!!!

The gym... well, i do have somewhat of a good excuse (not that any excuse is really good since it is called an excuse). I recently got my gym membership (2 weeks ago) and i have pretty much been sick ever since. My plan is go to mon through wed in the morning, at 6am, right before work. I did that for the 1st week, and then wednesday came and i was sick as a dog at work. Since then, i have been once and i am just getting over my cold now, still coughing though. So, as soon as i fight this crap in my body, i will be back and working my butt off. I have gained some weight back and i am very unpleased about it... This was not supposed to happen! i need to lose 10 pounds to be happy... its not much, it is very much a realistic goal and i will achieve it. I also want to tone up but i have a little problem in that field... You see, this gym is a mixed gym, as in boys and girls. My old gym was only women, and i became used to it, to not caring and just doing it for me and only focussing on me. Now i feel like people (men0 are starring at me and it makes me feel very self conscious. I know its silly and no reason to have still not ventured onto the other side of the building (where the weights are) but it is still a reality that i am currently trying to cope with. But no more of these reasons, i will be back next week and i will start my weight training, Go Me!

Alex, another 4 letter word in my life, but a great one. I dont even know where to start when it comes to him. He is a great guy, hard worker, smart, generous, good looking, kind, gentle, prioritized, goal oriented, and the list goes on! (oh and he drives a nice car!lol) I cant believe that i found someone who makes me so happy! We have now been together over 4 months officially (unofficially closer to 5-6) and its been great. We went away not too long ago to a cottage up north and had the best time ever! So much fun that he planned us another weekend the weekend of October 17th. AHHH!!! It's going to be great! :)

Arent we cute? hihihhi

Anyways, i gotta go, i think i have written up enough hehe but i promise i will try to keep up this time!!!

Good night guys!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

week getting worse...

Hey guys!

Sorry for not blogging yesterday. I have to say that i have a rather good excuse... Here's what hap pend...
I woke up late for work... got ready really fast and headed off. Of course, im somewhat speeding until i hit traffic. I get like 3 minutes away from work (on sources blvd. just after the 40 over pass) and hit a pot hole and dent my rim so bad that all the air in my tire came out... URGH i finally got to work on my flat tire and called my mechanic and arranged to go see him at lunch with my tire. The guys at my work spent about half the morning jacking up my car, taking my tire off and trying to reshape my rim for me and they were unsuccessful... they even went after it with a SLEDGE HAMMER! thats when i started crying... Once they gave up it was about 11 so at 1130 i went to my mechanics to see what he could do. I had my rim priced and they are worth $350 each and the tire $200... so if he couldnt do anything i was looking at $550 + labour :S something that isnt exactly in the budget! So, my mechanic (Marco) looked at it and told me he couldnt do anything for me but to go see his Buddy that works at Exact Roue... They specialize in rims and mags and what not. So i went there and the owner told me that he could fix my rim for $100, still not cheap but better than $550... I left my rim there and went back to work. I called Marco and we had to figure out a tire situation and we came to the conclusion of putting 2 all season tires on the front of my car (previous tires that came with the car) and keep the 2 winters on the back. So all in all it cost me $125 and a major headache and day wasted at work... I left the mechanics at around 630, rushed to my uncle's for dinner and went to yoga for 730. After yoga i got a very scary phone call from Kristyne, my Best Friend. She was somewhat shaken up so i was worried... She told me that a guy pulled a gun on her and her bf!!!! MY HEART STOPPED BEATING! they are ok and the police caught the guy but long story short the guy was drunk and mad and wasnt getting his was and first pulled out a crowbar and then a gun... that's pretty scary! i cant believe that my best friend could have been shot! it's still terrifying to think about. After that phone call i went over to see her and comfort her and the police showed up to take all the statements and everything.... Serious shit. The guy actually lives in her building also.... :( im really worried. I left there at around 11pm, came home and went to bed. I have to say it was a restless sleep... WHAT A DAY... but wait, it just gets worse...

Today, i woke up at 515am and took a shower. Managed to drop everything in the shower on my toes URGH hurt soooo much! after my shower i got ready for work and got into my cold car :( i drove to work and avoided EVERY SINGLE POT HOLE because im not going through yesterday again lol Finally got there and it was a pretty rough morning.... a lot to do and not enough time to do it. At around 9am (just after my first meeting) i got a phone call from my uncle... My Nanny is doing worse than before... she went back into a coma and has severe pneumonia... The doctors say that the next 48hrs are critical and will determine the outcome of things... Let's be realistic here, 92year old ladies do not get over pneumonia and a broken hip and Alzheimer's and dementia and all... I was suppose to go visit her on Saturday but now i fear that it may be too late... I am really not dealing with this well at all. It is bringing back a bunch of memories and emotions from when my grandma passed that i cant bare to have. but i keep telling myself, this too shall pass....
Anyways, after that phone call i kept going on at work, really trying to focus all my attention on it. it was an ok day, got some stuff accomplished but stayed until 6pm... so i spent 11hrs at the office today... :( after work i was suppose to go to yoga for 7 but i just couldn't do it. I am so emotionally drained that i cant do much. I decided to come home and have some dinner and do some laundry and that is exactly what i am doing. I will be going to sleep soon so i will say good night now and keep blogging tomorrow. i apologize for all the negative vibes today, i am praying for the end of the week to get better because i cant bare it to get worse.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mondays always seem to suck...

Urgh... Mondays always seem to suck for one reason or another!!!
Of course, i started off my day by having an argument with a coworker because I tried helping her out by making a simple suggestion... Remind me again why I bother trying to help someone who always seems to think shes right??? ARGH <-- ok thats out of my system now hehe And then i had a heart attack over a miscommunication with my transport guys... thinking that one of my parts wasnt ready to be picked up which absolutely needed to be... blah. Lunch wasnt bad though. Ever quarter of the year we go out for lunch on the company to relax and unwind a bit. This time we went to Marathon's and shared a couple laughs. It felt good to remember that there are real human beings underneath some of the craziness! After lunch i went back to my office to do a bunch of stuff and never had time to finish and basically gave up... I was printing a bunch of documents to only realize that the printer wasnt working and that was when i had my fill.
I left the office at 5:15pm (suppose to leave at 4pm) and headed to my uncle's place. I had dinner there and hung out with my 2 cousins. I think Sunday, Ronan and I are going to build a huge fort outside since there is sooo much snow before my self-defense class :D he got really excited at the idea!
After dinner i headed off to the gym and did a mini workout before my yoga class. its official guys... I CAN NOW DO A COMPLETE SPLIT!!! i am quite pleased with myself! hehehe
I came home afterwards and was talking with my mother and received some more bad news... My Nanny has been hospitalized for a broken hip (she's 92) and fell out of the bed again today. She is really not doing good and i feel that these are going to be the last couple months of her life. They have her restrained now because she is too dangerous to herself. I feel horrible just thinking about it :( She does not remember anyone anymore so every time i go visit her she thinks im a stranger. It kills me to see her this way. I think i may go visit her this Saturday and try and go as often as i can before its too late. It breaks my heart to see her this way and to know that there is absolutely nothing i can do to better the situation. Seeing her in that hospital bed is just like seeing my grandmother her last couple days with us all over again and it keeps bringing up a bunch of emotions i have not dealt with yet and that i am quite frankly terrified too...
Anyways, i am already in bed and am going to study a bit and hopefully get a good night's rest considering i did not last night.
Good night!