Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome back Me...

Wow... Let's just say that its been a while since i've been on here... Don't really know why, nor do i really know why i am back now... but i am... Welcome Back Me!!

So, where am i at in my life as of now... let's see. Here is the short version. I am still at work, going hard, although sometimes wondering why... i joined a new gym, the new Nautilus on Brunswick and i still have not been able to get myself back into routine and i am with a new man, a real man, and he is just great.

Now here's the detailed version.

Work... a 4 letter word that makes me go through an emotional roller coaster these days. I have been at my job for exactly 1 year, 3 months and 21 days... yes i count weekends because i do work on the weekends... Although not as much as i used too, thank god... I am a buyer /planner with promises of negotiations starting January 2009 and i sometimes think that that is the only thing keeping me going right now (work wise)
My boss, C, a childless and marriage less woman in her mid forty's, is going through menopause... I cannot bare imagine how she feels. Regardless of her "issues", she is still my boss and yet, does not feel like one. She has been making my days very difficult.
My coworker, R, is not that much more of an improvement. (we share an office together). She is 28, attached to a 44 year old divorced man, and has recently quit smoking (exactly 11 days now) and is extremely negative at the office. She has been making my environment also quite difficult to life in. As much as she is a nice person, she is not a good influence to be around. She dislikes our boss very much and makes things worse. Why cant we just get along? I dont get it, we are suppose to be a team, and we are the furthest thing to that. I used to enjoy waking up in the morning and getting ready for work and looking forward to the next challenge coming my way. Now, the closest thing to a challenge these days is coping with C's attitude and emotions and with R's non stop complaining. Everyday i tell myself that this is yet, just another obstacle that i need to surpass to get to where i want to be in life. Not sure where that is, but it is definitely not here.

"Achieving the Unachievable" <-- something i live by, something that i believe many should live by. This saying is what has been getting me through my days lately, and i cannot express the excitement and enthusiasm i have for my professional career in 2009, if it would just get here!!!

The gym... well, i do have somewhat of a good excuse (not that any excuse is really good since it is called an excuse). I recently got my gym membership (2 weeks ago) and i have pretty much been sick ever since. My plan is go to mon through wed in the morning, at 6am, right before work. I did that for the 1st week, and then wednesday came and i was sick as a dog at work. Since then, i have been once and i am just getting over my cold now, still coughing though. So, as soon as i fight this crap in my body, i will be back and working my butt off. I have gained some weight back and i am very unpleased about it... This was not supposed to happen! i need to lose 10 pounds to be happy... its not much, it is very much a realistic goal and i will achieve it. I also want to tone up but i have a little problem in that field... You see, this gym is a mixed gym, as in boys and girls. My old gym was only women, and i became used to it, to not caring and just doing it for me and only focussing on me. Now i feel like people (men0 are starring at me and it makes me feel very self conscious. I know its silly and no reason to have still not ventured onto the other side of the building (where the weights are) but it is still a reality that i am currently trying to cope with. But no more of these reasons, i will be back next week and i will start my weight training, Go Me!

Alex, another 4 letter word in my life, but a great one. I dont even know where to start when it comes to him. He is a great guy, hard worker, smart, generous, good looking, kind, gentle, prioritized, goal oriented, and the list goes on! (oh and he drives a nice car!lol) I cant believe that i found someone who makes me so happy! We have now been together over 4 months officially (unofficially closer to 5-6) and its been great. We went away not too long ago to a cottage up north and had the best time ever! So much fun that he planned us another weekend the weekend of October 17th. AHHH!!! It's going to be great! :)

Arent we cute? hihihhi

Anyways, i gotta go, i think i have written up enough hehe but i promise i will try to keep up this time!!!

Good night guys!


Amelah said...

Woohoo, Welcome back Michelle. Nice to see you blogging again. you and Alex definitely do make a cute couple!
Work should not be a chore or something you dread...not good!!!

kayla37 said...

hehe thanks for the compliments :)

Im really hoping that this work thing is just a phase...